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If you do not find an answer to your question here, contact us at (01843) 570926 or support@cits.org.uk

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How can I get help outside office hours?

CITS offer e-mail support outside office hours


How do I book for work?

Please call or e-mail our sales department and they can negotiate a time and price estimate

What if a job takes less time than estimated?

Our policy is to only invoice for the time a job takes, if it takes less time you pay less (*)


 * Subject to time related discounts

What support is provided with bespoke software?

CITS provide telephone and e-mail support for all our software and services. We also provide remote or on site support. (Call for support options)







What are the terms & conditions for payment?

CITS operate a 30 day payment schedule, but offer a discount on a graduated scale for early payment up to a maximum of 15% if paid within 15 days of invoice.





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